Real estate and technology are colliding. The collision includes major contributions from Proptech, the Smart Home movement, and the power of high-tech Building Management Solutions (BMS). While the impact is mostly positive, there are important gaps in problem solving.
The technology Venn diagram has a sweet spot.
When you hear “Proptech” your mind likely goes to software that manages lease agreements and rent payments. You wouldn’t be wrong either. However, when managing numerous properties “Proptech” won’t save you from damaging leaks and utility abusers. The “Smart Home” market has countless apps to lock and unlock doors and turn the air conditioning on, but leave plenty to be desired on functionality – especially at scale. Lastly, BMS systems are tragically expensive and commonly provide unactionable data to employees who don’t know how to access it.
There’s a better way.
At one point, we wanted to nickname MorgenONE™ the Anti-BMS, but, frankly, it doesn’t meet our standards for professionalism. The sentiment remains. The fact of the matter is that our affordable, simple solution does the job of the most critical BMS, Proptech, and Smart Home solutions found in our industry for minimal cost. Plus, our partners decisively act on data from our easy-to-use dashboards!
MorgenONE™ brings actionable, cost saving insights to any building, new or old.
Here’s what you can expect with MorgenONE™:
- High Visibility: you’ll save time and money, because our technology will watch your building for you.
- Plug & Play Functionality: use only the tools and data your building’s needs. Nothing you don’t need and everything you do need.
- Affordable Pricing: our technology is nimble, which means you can activate any property with minimally invasive technology that is a fraction of the cost of similar solutions.
- Actionable Reporting: you’ll know the Top 10 “offenders” on your property and what to do about them instantly.
Great technology makes life easier. Unfortunately, many industry solutions that are big on technology and short on results.
Finally – Your solution is here, and its name is MorgenONE™.